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Lake Hartwell Pickleball Club Updates from Henley Cleary

Cheryl Vaughan

Hello Picklers!

This is just a little “catch up” to let everyone know that we are working on things we said we would work on……

Julie Walker has done a phenomenal job of creating intra-club events for our club. We are looking forward to this Saturday’s Hart Cup. Even if you are not participating in play please come watch, play other games, eat and be part of the event. It all begins at 9am Saturday morning.

Julie has also set up “SPOND” for registration for events. Please check the Pickleball bulletin board outside the gym for more information.

Larry Pizarek and the Ladder League committee are crankin’ it! We now have leagues in the morning and evening in order to accommodate as many players as possible.

Cheryl Vaughan has been working with Kevin Geraty to get down to the nitty-gritty of communication for the club. Cheryl is working hard answering lots of questions that come to the club as well as creating a club calendar and new tabs for club information on our website.

Monty Harper has done a great job updating nets, organizing our storage closet in the gym (PLEASE do your part in keeping it tidy and protecting our equipment). We now have a blower for the outdoor courts as well as a lockbox for storage.

Susan Nock and her committee are busy organizing social events throughout the year. They are part of the Hart Cup this weekend bringing food and games as part of the day’s events.

David McGinnis continues to work with beginning players to introduce them to the game and to register them with the club.

Other items:

  • I am working with Tami Murray, in Winder, on our financials. As soon as everything is updated I will give you the numbers; hopefully, in the next couple of weeks.

  • I am working with Kerv to have signs made to put behind the courts, inside and out, to designate level of play by days of the week. This can’t be completed until all rankings are completed so we can decide level of play

  • We are completing player rankings based on USPA ratings

PICKLEBALL ETIQUETTE Some do’s and don’ts reminders that we all know but sometimes forget

  • ★ Have fun and be a good sport!

  • ★ Clean up after yourself

    • ○ Put away nets when you are finished

    • ○ Last players put away the divider

    • ○ Place items on shelving in closet, do not dump on the floor

    • ○ Put down basketball nets at the end of play (switches are on the wall be gym door)

    • ○ Return storage closet key to the front desk

    • ○ Return bleachers to proper location and put them down

    • ○ Inside and outside please pick up any trash. It may not be yours but it keeps our play area in better condition

  • ★ Until the signs are put in place please remember that the schedule is:

    • ○ M,W,F - split play with advanced levels on left side and lower levels on right side. Place your paddles on the bleachers on your side.

    • ○ T,Th,Sat - open play means if you want to switch sides in order to play up or down feel free to test yours or give yourself a break and venture to the other side

  • ★ When playing with players who are trying to learn and advance please be kind and dial back a little, when necessary. Remember that each of us was a beginner at one point and it was the kindness of others that helped (and continues to help) advance our game.

  • ★ NO ITEMS should be left on the track at any time. This includes balls. Our courts do not extend out to the track. That is to be left clear for the walkers. Walkers have the right-of-way. You may complete a point if a walker is approaching but please do not start another point until the walker has passed your court. The gym is a shared facility and we all need to be courteous to one another

If there is something you want highlighted under Pickleball Etiquette please let me know. We are thankfully getting new players every week. Some of the things many take for granted are something new for new players.

ALWAYS check the Pickleball bulletin board outside the gym for information. Between our Facebook page, the website and the bulletin board you should have what you need. If not, please feel free to email me at

Have Fun and Be Safe!


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