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June Newsletter from Eddie........

We continue to work with the Bell Family Y through the summer schedule for indoor courts while the kids are out of school. When the weather as hot as it’s been, it requires us to alter our pickleball schedule indoors as the leaders of the youth activities need to bring their kids inside. In addition, there are camps going on that require them to be inside sometimes because of weather. Kerv Augustin is doing a wonderful job as director of sports for the Y and frees up courts for indoor pickleball as much as possible. Here is the basic schedule for indoor courts through August 2022.

Monday - Friday

8:00am - 9:30am Open play on Courts 1-4 (Nets and fencing must be put up by 9:45)

9:45am - 10:30am All courts closed indoors

10:30am - 2:30pm Open play on Courts 1-4 (Nets and Fencing must be taken down after play)

2:30pm - closing All courts closed except for Wednesday night ladder league if needed

* If you want to play indoors in the evening, you can check at the front desk for availability.

* Outdoor courts are open all day Monday- Friday and Saturday until 2:30pm


We are making progress on shade for the outdoor courts and hope to have a structure in place very soon. Thanks for your patience!


As we continue to grow pickleball in our area, the Y is pleased to announce they will be offering a pickleball clinic for our youth in July. Thanks to Kerv for organizing and Caleb Miller for agreeing to organize it and teach it.

We need your help! Anyone who could volunteer to help Caleb with the clinic, please contact him at 706-961-5331 or let Kerv know at the Y. They also need paddles to borrow for the kids to use for that week. If you have an extra paddle you could loan during that week for the clinic, please let Caleb or Kerv know asap. Thanks!

Outdoor Summer Schedule

During the summer months we are allowing groups to organize their own groups. Some have been scheduling play for select skill levels or family at 7:30 am to 9:00 am and from 5:30 pm to closing. As long as there is at least one court open for open play and no one is waiting for a court, then it is permissible. As soon as all 4 courts are being used, you must stop your scheduled play and put your paddles up for rotation. As always we will sub two players with winners staying on until we reach 6 paddles waiting. Then we will sub 4 for 4. If you move your paddle from one side to the other, you must put your paddle at the back of the line. Here is additional instruction for outdoor courts:

Monday, Friday and Saturday

9:00 am-12:00 pm Courts 1 and 2 (advanced skill players 3.5 + only)

Courts 3 and 4 (beginner and intermediate only)

Please note: Use common sense…if there is an open court on either side with no players waiting, players from either side may use every court available if there are players waiting.

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

9:00 am - 12:00 pm Open play on all courts for all skill levels…play where you want

Recent Tournament Winners

Congratulations to Suzy Rogers and Pat Wedhe on winning a gold medal in 3.0 women’s doubles recently at the Upstate Anderson Tournament. Congrats to Kevin Harris and Frank Gunder on winning bronze in the men’s 50+ 4.0 also. Great playing guys!


Deon Allen continues to lead in point totals. Check results and schedule for week 7 at


Please remember to sign in before you play on the outdoor courts…there are signs now to remind you. If you have guests/family, they must sign in at the front desk also.

If you think about it and have a blower, from time to time we need to blow off the courts and concrete area. I have done it a few times but it would help if some of our men would check and see if they are needing blowing and help me out.

Please pick up your trash and gear after you play. If some type of clothing or gear or a paddle is left, turn it in to the front desk.

Last but not Least

This will be the last newsletter until August. I will be skipping July since not much is going on during that month.

July will also be my last month as Director. Thanks to all our members for making the task easier the last 4 years. It really has been a labor of love and I have greatly enjoyed leading the way and working to make our pickleball club and facilities better. It is time for someone else to step up and direct this club to bigger and better things. I will still be serving as chairman of the pickleball committee through next year and will help direct our pickleball tournaments and a few fun play days. If you are interested in nominating one of our members to direct our club or have an interest in volunteering to serve, please let me know. As director I have mainly been responsible for communication between the Y and the pickleball club. We now have members who have stepped up to do other activities such as ladder league, tournaments, etc. so the job has gotten easier over time. I have enjoyed so much getting to know all the players. I look forward to watching our club to grow!

See you on the court and

Dink Responsibly!

Eddie McCurley

(Soon to be the past) Director of Pickleball


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