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Hi YMCA Pickleball Players!

Cheryl Vaughan

Updated: Apr 28, 2023

There has been so many wonderful things happening since the January 23rd reorganization meeting! Everyone is very excited to see our YMCA Pickleball program continue to grow and offer something for all players! Great programs start with great volunteers and boy, do we have some amazing people who have stepped up to volunteer their time to make our program the best it can be!

Communication is very important to the success of any program and keeping you informed is our #1 priority! Below is an update on upcoming events, committees and monthly meetings. We will continue to update you and the annual calendar as event dates become available.

Let's start by introducing the Committee and Activity Chairs including their contact information:


-oversee monthly meetings of all committee/activity chairs

-liaison to Kerv and Mandy


*MONTHLY MEETINGS - Our first meeting will be held on Thursday, February 16 at 10:45am in the Children's Classroom at the YMCA. These meetings will be open to all YMCA members. If you would like to discuss anything at the meeting you must contact Henley Cleary by email at least 2 days prior the meeting day/time and she will add you to the agenda. These meetings will continue to be held every month on the 3rd Thursday at 10:45am.


-overall maintenance of indoor/outdoor courts and equipment

-order nets and balls

-closet inventory and organization


-aid and oversee all activity chairs to include the following activities:

*Ladder League Chair - Larry Pizarek (

Additional volunteers include: David McGinnis, Pam McGovern, Pam Miller, Pat & Perry Wehde

*Social Chair -Ann McSpadden (

Additional volunteers include: Pat Harper, Janet Latone, Pat Pizarek, Pam Eisle, Elisa, Mary Strykalski, Pam McGovern, Julie Walker, Donna Koenig, John McGarity, Susan Hotchkiss, Gretchen McClymont, Renee Sabol, Deb Collado, Suzee Northrup

*Intra-Club Play Chair - Julie Walker (

Additional volunteers include: Suzee Northrup

*Clinics Chair - Leonard Camp (

Additional volunteers include: David McGinnis, Joby Scroggs


-oversee and maintain all social media to include our Facebook page and website

Additional volunteers include: David McGinnis, Cheryl Vaughan


-maintain email list



-monthly/annual calendar of events

-bulletin board

Additional volunteers include: Pat Harper


LADDER LEAGUE - is finishing up a very successful winter session now. Moving forward there will be 2 ladder leagues per session. There will be an AM (recreational league) and a PM (competitive league) Additional 2023 Ladder League dates are:

April 12 - May 17 (enrollment begins on March 13)

July 12 - August 16 (enrollment begins on June 12)

October 11 - November 16 (enrollment begins on September 11)

Ladder fee is $20/person DUE on week 1

CLINICS - They have already had a great attendance at their first one!

-New member clinics will probably be once a month and David is currently scheduling these with new members. They will be working toward a set date and time for future new member clinics.

-Existing member clinics: They are willing to do these once a week and will be scheduling a day/time soon!

-Watch for more info to come on upcoming clinics!

*Also, they would like to have loaner paddles available for new members/players so if you would like to donate any paddles you are not needing, they would love to have them!

SOCIALS - The Social Committee is meeting soon and has some very exciting events coming up this year! Watch for more info to come on this soon!

One last piece of business, please see the UPDATED New Player Information/Pickleball Rules Sheet below. Please be a rule follower it makes everything run a lot smoother!

As always, Dink Responsibly!



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